The Web of Life

Tune: L. v Beethoven Theme from 9th Symphony (Ode to Joy)

Sing of joy and gladness now and evermore to Nature’s song,
Open up our heart’s desire with love that lasts our whole life long
May the knowledge of our kinship spread throughout the universe,
Helping us to live our lives in harmony with all the Earth.

All the sky is bright and glorious; all the Earth is filled with light,
When we see the Sun before us rising to dispel the night.
All the fears that once beset us fade before the rising dawn.
Newfound joy comes now to let us join anew Creation’s song!

Sing of seas and sing of mountains! Sing of forests and of plains!
All the universe before us sparkles with the falling rains!
Barren deserts, living oceans, teeming cities, countryside
Joined with us in joyful singing, Celebrate the web of life!