Second Sunday of May. The following comes from Rev. Stefan Jonassen's “A Canadian Unitarian Almanac And Liturgical Calendar:”

In 1872, Unitarian Julia Ward Howe began advocating the creation of a “Mother’s Day for Peace” to be held on June 2 each year. The following year, eighteen cities held such a gathering. Bostonians continued to observe the day for more than a decade, while some cities continued the observance until the turn of the century, when the annual “Mother’s Day for Peace” appears to have died out. In 1907, Anna Jarvis, a Methodist, began a campaign to establish a permanent Mother’s Day. By the following year, the YMCA had taken up the cause and, in 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a congressional resolution establishing Mother’s Day in the United States. In time, the day came to be marked in many other countries. Jarvis was troubled by the commercialization of the day, saying, "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit." Inalterably opposed to the sale of flowers (but not the giving of homegrown blossoms), she also lamented the advent of the Mother’s Day card, describing it as "a poor excuse for the letter you are too lazy to write." Interestingly enough, Mother’s Day is the most heavily attended Sunday in North American churches, outside of the Christmas and Easter seasons! In Unitarian Universalist congregations, the day has increasingly taken on a sense of being a day to mark the contributions of all women.

Take Action

The history of Mother’s Day reminds us that it is more than a day for flowers and pancakes. It's a time to highlight the aspects of motherhood that are not usually visible in the greeting card aisles. It’s a call to honor the resiliency of all those who mother, especially those who bear the brunt of hurtful policies or who are weighed down by stigma in our culture. It’s an opportunity to take action to create the conditions so that all families can thrive.

Strong Families is a national initiative to change policy and culture in support of all families. Their annual Mama’s Day Our Way campaign lifts up and celebrates the magic and heartbreak of being a mama. Learn more and find Unitarian Universalist Mama's Day Resources in our Social Justice pages.

Unitarian Universalist Perspectives

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  • It can be a lonely time for those of us whose arms are empty.
    Meditation | By Amy Williams Clark | March 18, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Children, Direct Experience, Grief, Mother's Day, Mothers, Searching, Secular
  • Let us tell the stories of mothers… stories that could be true. Let us tell of warm mothers, soft and round, likely to be found with flour on their nose, and always ready to pour you a glass of milk to go with the cookies on your plate. These mothers are increasingly rare. Let us tell of mothers...
    Meditation | By Maureen Killoran | May 5, 2016 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Children, Family, Forgiveness, Love, Mother's Day, Mothers, Parents, Relationships, Secular
  • When my youngest daughter was about two years old she came across a tattered paperback on our bookshelves, Ten Thousand Baby Names, and for a little while this was her favorite book. Drawn by the shining face of the baby on the cover, she brought it to me over and over and demanded that I read...
    Meditation | By Kathleen McTigue | May 6, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Birth, Children, Death, Direct Experience, Fathers, Identity, Love, Memorial Day, Mother's Day, Mothers, Parents, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Relationships
  • Gracious Mother Matrix of Creation Womb of Mystery We thank you on this day for the miracle of birth, For the holiness of sex, For the power of eros and passionate love To regenerate the world. Mother Nature, Earth Mother, We lift our hearts in song For all forms green and fragrant Glad with the...
    Meditation | By Gary Kowalski | February 23, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Birth, Earth-Centered, Goddess, Love, Mother's Day, Mothers, Mystery, Paganism, Pain, Sexuality
  • This is the kind of God I could worship: a heavenly Mother who prefers imitation to adoration, and who sees in all Creation the indivisible smiles of Her children. Our Mother, Holy Wisdom, draws one breath and even we who are miles away are warmed by the glory of Her inspiration. Our Mother, Holy...
    Meditation | By Jeffrey B Symynkywicz | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Mother's Day
  • We reflect in thanksgiving this day for all those whose lives have nurtured ours.The life-giving onesWho heal with their presenceWho listen in sympathyWho give wise advice ......
    Meditation | By Victoria Weinstein | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Mother's Day
  • Spirit of life, You've been a father and mother to us all We enter into this time of silence and reflection With mixed emotions. This is mother's day—a day set aside to honor, celebrate, and in some cases, simply to reflect on those women who gave us birth. Some of us come to this day with joy,...
    Meditation | By Kathleen Rolenz | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Mother's Day
  • Spirit of Life, Known to us in many ways, but so often, in so many cultures, in the image of a mother, Hold us in your arms this day. Let all that we value and all that we hold dear in the images of motherhood we carry be our guide. We are grateful for all the parents that share the community of...
    Meditation | By Wayne B. Arnason | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Mother's Day
  • Praise and thanks to you, divine source of comfort, of pleasure, of knowledge and of peace.
    Meditation | By Judy Welles | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Mother's Day, Spring