Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo

Full name: Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo Jr.

From Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo

Displaying 11 - 14 of 14

LEADER: Truth manifests itself with its own force. Let us ride on the power of its revelation with a heart ready to receive, to forgive, and to learn.Source: UU Congregation of Quezon City, Philippines...

Closing | By Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Revelation, Truth, Unitarian Universalism

Source of Life, Taker of Life, Transformer of Life, Life Itself We implore you—hear us. Let us hear ourselves. Let us hear our own cries for help. Let us hear the pangs that rise from our bodies. Let us hear our bodies. Let us hear our breaths. Let us hear our living soul, its bellowing laughter...

Meditation | By Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Connections, Humility, Imagination, Immanence

Let us reach the place of self, the place that is not alien to truth. Let us wash over with peace and serenity, with fierce longing for light and heart; with living strength flowing in our veins, bringing ourselves into fearlessness and into trust.

Opening | By Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Courage, Peace, Trust

We cast not our eyes below, we say to ourselves we are how we came, wounded from struggles, triumphant in our survival, entitled by birthright to belong to this the only humankind there is, saying I am included, I belong, I am here, and I will be and do....

Chalice Lighting | By Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Acceptance, Inclusion, Purpose, Vulnerability

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