Faith Without Borders: Spiritual Support

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  1. The International Council of Unitarian Universalists (ICUU) Global Chalice Lighting is updated each month and distributed by email. You can receive the latest version by subscribing to iNews from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). It is also available on the ICUU website or from the UUA website.
  2. There are many resources that can provide assistance in creating excellent internationally-themed worship services. The Unitarian Univeraslist (UU) Service Committee (UUSC), for example, provides internationally-themed resources for Justice Sunday and for the Guest at Your Table program every year. The UU Partner Church Council (UUPCC) offers a long index of internationally-themed sermons on its website that can certainly provide inspiration.
  3. Remembering international relationships during prayer and meditation is a powerful way of extending your congregation’s spiritual support. The UUA and the UUA’s International Office occasionally provide mediations and prayers for congregational use.
  4. Singing the Living Tradition contains many compositions with international themes, some with tunes and/or lyrics written by Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists from all over the world, including #’s: 8, 28, 56, 59, 78, 159, 171, 172, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 188, 191, 227, 305, 322, 332, 352, 398. When including a hymn with an international theme during worship be sure to call the congregation’s attention to its origin and the reason it was selected.
  5. Congregational worship is a perfect opportunity to lift up and celebrate international engagement. Highlight how your congregation and its international partners share spiritual gifts, express generosity, overcome differences, and grow in commitment to each other. In a similar way, a prophetic voice during worship can be invaluable for building commitment to international engagement.
  6. Please contact the UUA International Office for materials that help develop an understanding of the theological basis of international engagement.
  7. Congratulations if your congregation expresses its international vision every week! Please share your story.